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2024 Officers and Board Members

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors generally meets on Zoom the Wednesday following the Monday night club meeting at 7 PM. See the Club Calendar for specific dates and times."

Below are the Club's Officers and Committee Chairs.  Click the link to contact them through their respective club email address. Phone numbers are not listed for privacy concerns, so please use email to contact them. 


E mail can be sent by clicking on the appropriate position listed under "officers" or “board members”.

Cal Rice
Susan Bailey

Susan Batts
Frank Lipski

Board Members: 

Alison Earl

Mike Sassano and Mary New Wheaton

Deb Castle

Sally Mason
Mei Kei McDowell

Cindy Murphy

Neva Scheve

Jacques Wood
Susan Bailey
Dave Powers

Hilary Koch

Dennis Snipes

John German


Bill Stoffel, Co-Club Founder

With Louise Ellison

Copyright 2009-2024 Sandhills Photography Club - All Rights Reserved - Copyright to SPC members PO Box 763 | Southern Pines, NC 28388 | USA  Member of the Photographic Society of America.

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