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Sandhills Photography Club
Enriching Our World Through Photography
Member Galleries and Website Links
Below you will find links to our membership's individual websites, please browse and enjoy. You will also find links to the pages with galleries provided by our members. Enjoy these as well.
Members who would like a gallery should contact John German. They will be provided an upload link for the image transfer to the website. The member may provide up to 30 images sized at 3000 on the long edge. You should rename each image with it's title if you want the titles to show on your gallery.
When redirected to the slideshow, be sure and click the full screen handles at the bottom right to go to a full screen view of the various slideshows.

Reflective Stroll
Shari Dutton

Entering the Danger Zone
Tom Batts

Red Eyed Costa Rica Frog
Michael Sassano
Member Websites
Member Galleries
Member Galleries
Susan Bailey
John German
Pam Jensen
Gary Magee
Mei Kei McDowell
Diane McKay Photography
Michael Sassano
Michael Sumrell
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