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New Member's Page

Items of Interest:

For a general review of various club chairperson duties and who to ask for your various questions, please view the following pdf of a powerpoint presentation for new member's orientation: 2024 New Member Orientation 

 If you are interested in the club's Facebook Group, please contact Alison Earl who is the administrator for the club's Facebook Group for any questions. She has provided the following information sheet for being added to the club's Facebook Group. Just click Instructions for the information.

If you would like to add your photo to the membership directory, please send it to John German. He will add it to the gallery.


If you need to contact anyone on the board or a committee chair, please click the "Board Member" tab under the "About Us" tab. Their emails are linked there. Don't hesitate to ask if you have questions. The form below will reach "Membership" and the "Web Administrator".


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Copyright 2009-2024 Sandhills Photography Club - All Rights Reserved - Copyright to SPC members PO Box 763 | Southern Pines, NC 28388 | USA  Member of the Photographic Society of America.

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